About My Daily Themes

About The Themes Of My Life


In the months before December of 2013, I had subconsciously been giving themes to days of my life. On the first of the aforementioned December, I decided to start recording them down in Pages on my iPad. Each theme represented something in my character and also something that could pertain to humanity. On the following New Years' Eve, I decided I'd try to make a website where I could record all of these themes. I settled with Blogger and decided to create a unique blog where I posted nightly to sum up the events of my day (~12.5% of the theme) combined with my thoughts (~75% of the theme) and also what others had contributed to my life and the world as a whole (~12.5% of my theme). This has been my longest-lasting project in my youth and, on a personal level, it means a lot to myself.

My Project

Each post consists of one to four themes, and then up to four (optional) personal or unoriginal quotes for each of the day's themes respectively. Sometimes, I have too many themes that it feels like ones leaking from the past and future; Leak Days are special and you can find out more about The Leak here. The themes, as stated above, describe my inner, honest thoughts and feelings of the events and other people for that day. The quotes are merely there to enforce and further clarify the themes. Personal quotes are either something that I make up on the spot (they usually seem pretentious since I try to be wise every time) or something I've said in text or aloud before. Unfortunately, the former is usually the case. Unoriginal quotes are things I get from anything that isn't me, and they don't even have to be text.