January 31, 2014

01/31/2014 || Insanity | Time Flies



Time Flies

Personal Quotes:

Sometimes the insane may always expect the more logical results from their actions, yet don't care of ethical standpoints or others' realities. Insanity isn't just expecting different results from repeated actions; it's the avoidance of common sense due to a lack of understanding of morality or socially acceptable self-conduct.
I think it's safe to say I've reached the point where time is taunting me with it's absolutely unstoppable speed. I hereby favor nonlinear time for the sake of my life.
(End of Month Arc)

January 30, 2014

01/30/2014 || Loss



Personal Quote:

There's always something you've lost, whether you like it or not. The trick is to find it in the spaces where no finger can ever reach.

January 29, 2014

01/29/2014 || Averageness



Personal Quote:

The norm is never the norm nowadays, is it?

January 28, 2014

01/28/2014 || Peace | Fast-Pacing





Personal Quotes:

It's time to take a break; worries can take a rest for now, because I'm tired of exhausting myself.
Sometimes, you need to take the speed to its limits if you want anything done anymore.
The relief of laughter and childishness is enough to make one wish to live life longer.

January 27, 2014

01/27/2014 || Daylight Insomnia


Daylight Insomnia

Personal Quote:

The day is tiring, and so is life, yet sometimes counting sheep just isn't my cup of tea. Sometimes I don't feel like resting in the daytime or staying awake at nighttime.

January 26, 2014

01/26/2014 || Catching Up


Catching Up

Personal Quote:

Life is no game, and yet it is at the same time; get on with it, because nobody else is waiting for you in the distance.

January 25, 2014

01/25/2014 || Damaged Health | Temporal Illusions


Damaged Health

Temporal Illusions 

Personal Quotes:

Sickness and injury may destroy you from and through the inside, but there's nothing in this world that can destroy you in abstraction.
Time is a mystery, and it pains mankind to think of resolving it.

January 24, 2014

01/24/2014 || Cripple



Personal Quote:

Living through the pain is all we should do if in the end, we'll survive.

January 23, 2014

01/23/2014 || Frustration



Personal Quote:

Reducing the patience of oneself to thin air is unacceptable. Take responsibility for all of your annoyances.

January 22, 2014

01/22/2014 || Laid Back


Laid Back

Personal Quote: 

Relaxation is always great, but it is not productive.

January 21, 2014

01/21/2014 || Running Away


Running Away

Personal Quote:

If there's anything I've learned from my short and incomplete life, it's that no matter how far I run, I may always be stuck in the same place.

January 20, 2014

01/20/2014 || Wake-Up Call


Wake-Up Call 

Personal Quote:

It's time to proceed with what should rather than desperately cling to what was, regardless of what you say.

January 19, 2014

01/19/2014 || Will of Productivity


Will of Productivity

Personal Quote:

One of the best ways to proceed in life is by the amount of effort you put into creating something for the world to bask in or observe with awe.

January 18, 2014

01/18/2014 || Only Fitting


Only Fitting

Personal Quote:

What counts in the end is not the battles won or the thrones undone, but it's how the entire story fits into the gap between the lines.

January 17, 2014

01/17/2014 || Volatility | Melody




Personal Quotes:

The disturbance of peace in the mind is enough to reduce the sanity of oneself to dust.
Listen to the notes of the universe, and watch them pass by as humanity further goes to the end of the song.

January 16, 2014

01/16/2013 || Exhaustion



Personal Quote: 

Exhausting the fuels of acceleration damages the life span of humanity and the world.

January 15, 2014

01/15/2014 || Carefreeness Vs. Carelessness


Carefreeness vs. Carelessness

Personal Quote:

To care or not to care is the question left lingering in the darkness while we ponder whether we leave the world to burn and rot or to grow and prosper. Make the choice and care or leave.

January 14, 2014

01/14/2014 || Novelry | Vagueness




Personal Quotes:

Enter the new and see creation dominate the remaining existences with abundant novelty, the world blooming in the flames of originality and improvement.

There are times when the way destines consequences unforeseen and the road smudges at every sharp turn, but darkness is the phobia that we must eliminate regardless of the preparation and the knowledge. Remember all that may have; it can help you.

January 13, 2014

01/13/2014 || Patience & Impatience


Patience and Impatience

Personal Quote:

I may be sick of the futility of this world's lack of speed and use of potential while the dust collects in its soul, but I know for certain that this antiprogressive state can be overthrown as long as we wait, yet still lose our patience to the extremity of the situation.

January 12, 2014

01/12/2014 || Nostalgia



Personal Quote:

Reminisce inhabits the well-being of humanity; we can struggle with the past that once was yet never will again and still survive the hell that is of yet to come, so we must make an effort to escape the depths of darkness to bring any more light into our skies.

January 11, 2014

01/11/2014 || Social Improvement


Social Improvement

Personal Quote:

To fit in with the likes of society is truly a gift indeed. The cogs of community should remain rotating eternally.

January 10, 2014

01/10/2014 || Casualness



Personal Quote:

My constant struggle of conformity lies hidden beneath the fact that I carry on to high avail, but is simultaneously openly presented with my lack of shame for my nonconformity as well.

January 09, 2014

01/09/2013 || The Leak I


The Leak

( 1 )

Peace and Quiet
Another Ending for a New Beginning

Lock: {{ 42M3HV7BQK4M2GTJ }}

January 08, 2014

01/08/2014 || Realization/Reflection



Personal Quote:

As ugly as we may deform, as evil as we may become, and as dead as we can live, we are still capable of changing the future and putting aside the past when all doubts point to the one solution, unnamed to the likes of humanity. Everything is still in everyone's power, and we must help it to win.

January 07, 2014

01/07/2014 || Self-humiliation



Personal Quote:
We must suffer in the pit of pain and inferiority if we really are to be the best of humanity.

January 06, 2014

01/06/2014 || Impression on Society


Impression on Society

Personal Quote:
Partaking in the wonders of community and other people will not only help you develop an understanding of society; it will also rapidly build an everlasting impression/image of yourself made of material too dense to be easily destroyed and rebuilt. If you ever confront the outside world, do it wisely.

January 05, 2014

01/05/2014 || Recent Past


Recent Past

Personal Quote:
To dwell on life long gone or reminisce precious moments run through may prove valuable only if life plans on altering your course that you had set ahead for all of yet to come.

January 04, 2014

01/04/2014 || On The Verge Of Contentedness


On The Verge of Contentedness

Personal Quote:  
 To satisfy perfectly all priorities and necessities of oneself would be the day life fails to have purpose.

January 03, 2014

01/03/2014 | Dissatisfaction



Personal Quote:

We live by our standards, and none should tolerate the defiance of their own policies as presented to them. Our world deserves order and contentedness.

January 02, 2014

01/02/2014 || Looking to the Future


Looking to the Future

Personal Quote:
To plan ahead will offer you the preparation of a lifetime, establishing the best of approaches and leading to you walking a path built ten miles ahead.

January 01, 2014

01/01/2014 || Misunderstanding



Personal Quote:

The world of humanity's residence is not organized, yet we do our best to maneuver ourselves through this mess of a society full of sub-societies and sub-sub-societies, even if we must strangle through our childlike knowledge of the universe to ever develop the highest level of success as the infinitesimal specks we are in the infinite plane of existence.